BAER (BERA) -Delhi
1. Head should be clean & not oily. Please wash head if oily.
2. Please don’t stay empty stomach. Eat meal before BAER.
3. Continue regular medication as advised. No need to stop / change medication routine.
4. Patient expected to lie down without moving for 45-60 min for BAER. Children may require oral sedation . For effective oral sedation – keep child fasting, bring his favorite meal with you. When child is hungry & tired because of crying, he gets full meal & oral sedative like Syrup Pedichloryl / Phenargan etc he is likely to go to sleep. This is effective with younger children. Avoid oral sedation if cold / fever with nasal block.
5. Rarely IV sedation may be advised by your Dr. We need 5 hrs fasting, normal CBC, LFT, KFT etc for this . There should be no routine cough & cold / nasal blockage. Even then patient to be evaluated by our anesthetist before IV sedation. Patient to be kept nil orally after IV sedation as advised by anesthetist.
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